
Dis 30, 2017

# 2The CCP Is the Plotter of Fake News of McDonald’s Murder in Zhaoyuan – Massimo Introvigne

EasternLight, Christian, church, gospel, MassimoIntrovigne

The Church of Almighty God – Christian videos – # 2The CCP Is the Plotter of Fake News of McDonald’s Murder in Zhaoyuan – Massimo Introvigne

     On November 20, 21, 2017, just in two days, seventeen reports attacking The Church of Almighty God (CAG) were published intensively on Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) mouthpieces media in Hong Kong (HK), citing the rumors and fallacies consistently fabricated by CCP to discredit and condemn CAG. Again, May 28 McDonald’s Murder in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province, in 2014 was used as a tool to attack and slander CAG. Prof. Massimo Introvigne, an Italian sociologist, the founder and managing director of the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), who carried out an in-depth study on the murder, debunked and made clarification as follows.
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